
Acheter Fallout 76 Compte Xbox one Comparer les prix

Qu'est-ce qu'un compte Xbox de Fallout 76 ?

Un compte Xbox de Fallout 76 est un compte qui a acheté le jeu Fallout 76 sur la plateforme Xbox. Le jeu est disponible dans la bibliothèque de ce compte Xbox; une fois téléchargé, vous pouvez y jouer.

Comment fonctionne un compte Xbox de Fallout 76 ?

Sur ce compte Xbox, Fallout 76 est disponible dans la bibliothèque. N'oubliez pas de changer le mot de passe pour ce nouveau compte Xbox et l'adresse e-mail associée.

Date de sortie
14 novembre 2018
Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Softworks

About this game

The year is 2102, 25 years after the nuclear war, Vault 76 which is located in West Virginia is having its “Reclamation Day”. This is the day that the vault opens and the residents are allowed to recolonize the Wasteland.

  • The very first online multiplayer game from Bethesda. Play solo or with a party of up to three. Previous Fallout elements are modified to fit in a real-time game.
  • The map is modeled after West Virginia with recreations of real-life locations.
  • Mutated monsters are strewn about with several of them inspired by West Virginian folklore.
  • All humans found in the game are other players. NPCs available are robots or holotapes that would have recordings for guests.


It’s not perfect, but look beyond the bugs and there is a deeply rewarding game to be found in Fallout 76.



While Fallout 76 is effectively a buggy mess, marred by frame-rate issues, quest bugs and general calamity when it comes to the engine, there’s still a decent amount of fun to be had here. 


This game may require a subscription to Xbox Live Microsoft.

Compare our different subscription prices by visiting our Xbox Live subscription catalog.

Fallout 76: Raiders Content Bundle

Fallout 76: Raiders Content Bundle DLC includes faction themed cosmetics and C.A.M.P. items. The in-game digital items are the Mine Car Planter, Raider C.A.M.P., Raider Stash Box, Raider Faction Flag, Raider Pathfinder Outfit, Raider Conquest Loot Bag, Raider Pillager Backpack and Raider Marauder Power Armor Skin.

Fallout 76: Settlers Content Bundle

Fallout 76: Settlers Content Bundle DLC includes faction-themed cosmetics and C.A.M.P items. The in-game digital items are the Garden Truckbed Trailer, Settler C.A.M.P., Settler Stash Box, Settler Faction Flag, Settler Mechanic Outfit, Settler Traveler Loot Bag, Settler Relief Backpack and the Settler Vigilante Power Armor Skin.

Fallout 76: Appalachia Starter Bundle

Fallout 76: Appalachia Starter Bundle comes with the Piper’s Outfit and Cap, as well as 5 Repair Kits and 5 Scrap Kits when you purchase 800 Atoms.


Find all the best prices for Fallout 76 DLCs on Allkeyshop!


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