
Peut-on acheter un jeu chez les vendeurs que vous référencez en toute sécurité?


Is it safe to buy a game from the sellers you list? All sellers who appear on our comparison sites are regularly tested anonymously by our teams. You can also give your buyer’s opinion on our seller profiles. A seller who has too many negative opinions would be suspended from our comparison sites and their promotion on our sites would be questioned during our investigation. We place great emphasis on the security and quality of service of the sellers we list. Some sellers are not on our comparison sites because they do not offer sufficient conditions for the security and comfort of our users or have a bad reputation behind them. Be careful, not all sellers who do not appear on our sites are bad sellers, they may not want to appear or simply have not contacted us. Be wary of sites that tempt you with fabulous offers and prices. It is not uncommon to see people complain about having been deceived during their purchases. This is why we advise you to use our price comparison platform. We have done what is necessary to ensure that this type of problem does not happen to you, or in the worst case to be able to assist you so that the problem is resolved as quickly as possible and taking into account your interests before those of the seller.

Catalog of recommended cd key sellers

*If you need further assistance or have any other questions you can contact us through our live chat support (bottom right) or send us an email at  support@allkeyshop.com , we will be more than happy to help you.

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